Tuesday, August 27, 2013

hot hot hot

well, since it is clearly my duty to impart my vast wisdom from my many and varied life experiences to you folk, let me give you a few hints for the next time you are trapped in a heat box in 90-some degree weather, plus humidity.

1. assemble any and all fans that may be in your apartment or anywhere in the vicinity. do so, preferably, in the breeze of another fan.

2. take an ice cold shower and ignore your chattering teeth. oh, and don't forget to carry the fan(s) with you into every room you go in, including the bathroom.

3. don't open the refrigerator (especially when and if you would stupidly decide to make a warm dinner for yourself and even warm up your rolls before you realized anything warm touching your lips would be repulsive). YOU WILL WANT TO CLIMB INTO IT AND NEVER LEAVE.

4. continue to carry the fans around with you throughout the night, and when you decide to try to sleep, lay down with no less than three fans pointed directly on you.

good luck.

p.s. what? what's that you say? you remember me mentioning that my parents live only 15 minutes away? in an air conditioned paradise? with a big comfy bed to spare? STOP TRYING TO MAKE THIS LESS DRAMATIC. sheesh.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, the thing is, I can see all of this happening in my head as you say it. It's like I've lived with you or something. ;)
