Thursday, October 27, 2011

part of something beautiful

may the grace of god be with you always, in your heart,
may you know the truth inside you from the start,
may you find the strength to know that you are

a part of something beautiful...

-alexi murdoch, "something beautiful"

Sunday, October 16, 2011

good days

good weekend with a dear friend.

she just left, and i realize now just how comforting and uplifting it was to have her here. there is something powerful about those relationships that run years and years back...ever since i can remember. and, well, when you move to a place where you know almost no one, there's something powerful in simply having someone here who knows you. so you can come back now, ok, maggie?

these october days my mind has returned many times to october of 2010, and where my mom and i were standing exactly one year ago at this, yes. those were good days.