Thursday, September 9, 2010

happy birthday, dad

this guy is a pretty great one. i mean, the pictures say it all- he dances, he sings, he grills, he laughs, he eats, he reads the newspaper, he loves his family...what more could you ask for? well, actually, he is a whole lot more than these pictures depict. he teaches me to do what i love and to be a well-informed citizen. he teaches me to value my education and summer days. he teaches me humility and respect. he teaches me to be sarcastic and to take my work seriously, but leave room for fun. he teaches me how to pump up my bike tires and to love football and basketball. he teaches me loyalty to wisconsin teams and family and friends. he teaches me to form my own opinions and that reading is an enjoyable and perfectly good way to spend one's time. and today, after 4 years of being away on september 9, i finally get to be here for this special day that celebrates the guy that he was, is, and is still becoming. happy birthday, dad (or, should i say "mr. wonderful" ;). i love you so much.
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  1. how did you make that collage that only has 1 picture of me in it?
    nice words.

  2. molly, my dad is in as many pictures as you are. haha. yes, nice words.
