Monday, November 1, 2010

anddd we're back

this title is misleading. yes, mom and i are back from greece. however, i am not planning on discussing it or posting pictures just yet. i feel like i'm still processing it and still have a hard time figuring out exactly what to say about it when people ask. so, if you don't mind, i ask for a bit of patience while i sort things out. i promise you'll get a better description with just a bit more one sentence, however, it was amazing.

i do have a few other things to note though. today i became terribly distracted for quite a bit of time (i'm embarrassed to say exactly how much) by the amazing choir kids of public school 22 in staten island. their awesome choir director has posted tons of videos of them on youtube and they have had literally millions and millions of hits overall. i watched one video and was just intrigued by how 60-70 5th graders in an auditorium could be so focused and emotionally invested in what they were singing. i am not kidding you- not a single kid was talking, or slumped back in her chair, or refusing to participate or mouthing off. not a one. boys and girls alike were equally expressive and though they were all sitting, they were pretty much dancing in their seats. not to mention they sounded beautiful. they have some amazing talent in that choir. and the teacher- mr. b. you can just tell he absolutely loves those kids. he directs them with feeling, and smiles and nods at them throughout the song, noticing each kid individually. he teases them, and he supports and respects them all. here are a few links to some of my favorites. but really, check them out. they will make your day- the kids and mr. b. by the way, they are now quite famous. they have met the likes of tori amos, matisyahu, KT tunstall, matt damon, beyonce, etc. that's the other thing, too- they pretty much sing covers of pop songs-the kind of songs that the kids listen to on the radio. anyway, check these out:

i'll stand by you- the pretenders

no one- alicia keys

all is full of love- bjork

there's more....many more...but that's just a little taste for you.
also, one more thing. before it's even been a week since returning from greece, and before i have even had time to process it, i already have more traveling dreams....i think i'd like to go to iceland someday.

that's all for now. good night moon.